1 Acmena smithii ‘Allyn Magic’

Because of its naturally compact habit and all-round adaptability.

2 Callistemon ‘Baby Glow’

Because of its compact growth habit and brightly coloured new growth.

3 Syzygium australe (Scrub Cherry)

Because of its colourful new foliage and attractive flowers and fruits.

4 Syzygium paniculatum  (Magenta Cherry)

Because of its colourful new foliage and bird-attracting edible fruits.

5 Leptospermum ‘Little Lemon Scents’

Because of its wonderful lemon-scented fine foliage and compact growth habit.

6 Acmena smithii ‘Cherry Surprise’

The beautiful burgundy new growth of this outstanding cultivar of Acmena smithii is its outstanding feature. It also has a nice compact growth habit as well which makes it ideal for slightly taller hedges than ‘Allyn Magic’.

7 Westringia longifolia ‘Snow Flurry’

Because of its small foliage and compact habit.

8 Callistemon ‘All Aglow’

Because of its bright new growth, purple-pink flowers and adaptability to heavy clay soils.

9 Callistemon ‘Great Balls of Fire’

Because of its bright reddish-pink new growth and very compact habit.

10 Melaleuca linariifolia ‘Claret Tops’

Because of its fine grey foliage with bright new growth and very compact habit.