• Curl grubs can play havoc by eating the roots of a wide range of species. Check for them by scratching around the roots of any sick plants. Treat with beneficial nematodes or a registered insecticide
• Watch for the larvae of white cedar moth, which will defoliate trees around this time of year. Place a hessian sack around the base of the tree and kill the grubs that harbour there each morning.
• Remove spent kangaroo paw flowers by cutting them off at ground level along with any blackened foliage.
• This is the best time of year to divide flax lilies (Dianella species).Use a sharp spade or trowel to cut up clumps. Each piece should consist ofseveral shoots for optimal results. Replant pieces into a sheltered spot in the garden or into a pot.
• Plant grevilleas into well prepared planting holes. Plunge the potted plant into a bucket of water before planting to ensure the potting mix is fully saturated to maximise your chances of a successful transplant.
• Inspect tree and shrub trunks and branches for evidence of borer damage. Sawdust (frass) on the stems often indicates the start of borer attack. Use a thin piece of wire to insert into holes to kill the
offending pest larvae.
• Trim  native hedge plants such as westringias, lilly pillies and small leaved grevilleas.
• Many bottlebrush (Callistemon) varieties will be producing an autumn flush of flowers at this time. As they finish flowering trim back to just behind the old flowers to stimulate greater flower production in spring and to maintain a compact plant habit.